Do you and your digital agency team dread those client calls when they want to discuss the new fan-dangled marketing application they’ve started using that promises to do x, y, and z?

Initially, you are enthusiastic but soon the smile fades, there are tears in your eyes and the honeymoon phase is over because it has dawned on you that it is you who needs to learn everything about the new application. Reluctantly, you log in and are faced with an intimidating and nightmarish platform, that at the end of the day does the same thing as a lot of other marketing applications. Let’s be honest! 

I don’t know about you but it is difficult to keep up with it all, let alone track the data from it. Are you now reconsidering your marketing career, well I didn’t mean to terrify you and I’m delighted to say that there is a solution to this growing problem. 

ConnectorEngine, a marketing services iPaaS. DON’T run away, yes you creative marketers! I know it sounds very technical, but trust me it is an automation solution designed to make digital agency life simpler, streamlined and let’s face it automated.

CE Breakdown in Simple Terms

ConnectorEngine (CE) is a marketing service iPaaS, iPaaS stands for integration platform as a service. Ultimately, it is software that allows you to connect marketing applications to transfer data and automate time-consuming tasks, like manual data entry. 

How does a marketing automation platform make your life simpler I hear you ask?! Well, you can connect and transfer data to one place where you can access it. This is a repeatable process that you can copy and paste for different clients. For instance, if one client uses Campaign Monitor instead of MailChimp you can copy the workflow and simply swap out the connectors. 

The beauty of CE is it means you don’t have to learn that new marketing platform, or that one or even that one. All you need to do is connect the marketing applications connector, authenticate it and start channelling the data to where it is needed, a centralised dashboard or database, a CRM or even a social media channel. 

Our motto is simple, connect it all so it just works!

Reasons why you shouldn’t learn another new marketing platform

I’ve got a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t learn the next new big marketing platform, and start using a marketing automation platform (CE) instead. 

Toggle-Tax (Context Switching) 
  • Jumping between tasks has been proven to be cognitively taxing and the toggling between applications increases the brain’s production of the primary stress hormone cortisol. This slows us down and makes it harder to focus. So, all this jumping between apps and tasks, to and froing is taking up far too much time and effort for marketers. 
  • Instead, connect and authenticate clients’ applications to share data amongst each other and even present it in a database or dashboard for convenience. 
Wrangling Data 
  • Data wrangling is the worst and is made even harder when you are constantly in and out of different applications trying to piece together a picture of a client’s marketing efforts. As well as being a pain the manual process is prone to error because let’s face it is a lot of data so we are bound to put something in the wrong place. 
  • Instead, glean data from one centralised place rather than many with the help of connection and automated tools.
Complicated Interfaces and Terminology 
  • As if logging in to different systems was annoying enough but you marketers are sometimes presented with complicated interfaces with intense technical terminology. Being faced with this can be overwhelming and intimidating resulting in platform abandonment. 
  • Instead, use one platform and have a sense of familiarity from the start with instructive and helpful onboarding to help with your use. 
Convoluted Processes
  • Go here for this, then open this app and scroll to find this, copy that and paste it into the spreadsheet, duplicate that and… sound familiar? Convoluted and complicated processes should be a thing of the past. Especially, seeing as our workloads are only ever increasing. Processes are great, don’t get me wrong but they could be made so much easier.
  • Instead of manually going to x, y, and z build streamlined processes with connection and automation that goes to x, y, and z without you having to lift a finger. Achieve consistency and a repeatable winning formula to create and manage clients’ full marketing and sales funnel in one place. This will help you have an edge over your competitors, improve customer journeys, attract new customers and retain existing customers. 

If I keep going we’ll be here forever and although those long post rank as marketers we sadly don’t have the time. 

Let’s Connect and Automate your Digital Agency

I hope what I’ve discussed today helps you and your digital agency understand, firstly how an integration platform can help automate marketing processes so you don’t need to learn every new marketing application that is launched. But instead, you can connect apps and automate data sharing data between them to reduce stress, centralise data and streamline processes.

If you would like to learn more or ask questions please get in touch, we are here to help you connect it all so it just works!

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